Monday, May 19, 2014

The Caterpillar Experience

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly”

We all have seen caterpillars right?? You know those small, little, hairy insects that are often seen during the spring.  Well, I remember in the fourth grade, my teacher had the class collect a caterpillar and place it in a clear cage so that the students could observe the caterpillar’s transition to a butterfly.  Each day my classmates and I watched the caterpillar as it progressed through the stages of becoming a butterfly.
During the first stage, the caterpillar’s main objective was to eat.  The caterpillar would eat as much vegetation as it could to reach it maximum growth and weight.

After the caterpillar reached its maximum growth, it became a chrysalis.  It’s during this time that the caterpillar was confined in its cocoon.  Although, it didn’t look like much was going on from the outside, on the inside there was a major transformation taking place!!

Once the transformation was complete, a beautifully altered creature emerged…THE BUTTERFLY!!!

Sooooooo….you may be wondering why I explained the caterpillar’s transformation?!? Well, I believe this illustration can be applicable to many human experiences.  There comes a point in everyone’s life in which we experience a significant SHIFT.  Sometimes, these shifts can be positive (ex. new job opportunity, moving to a new city, new romance, etc).  However, there are times when these shifts, or changes, can cause pain and discomfort.
  Some examples include: breakups, betrayals, and financial instability.  During these times, we may experience discouragement, isolation, sadness, and frustration.  We may also start to believe that no one understands our plight; which may cause us to feel alone and misunderstood.  However, I have learned that during those moments of isolation, we really can develop for the better!  Sometimes, discomfort and isolation may be required for us to birth something new into our lives.  Just like the caterpillar, we can go through phases that push us into greatness!  These caterpillar experiences can create in us a better attitude, a fresh perspective, and a transformed mindset.   Sometimes, we have to go through spiritual and mental construction to break away old and/or self-defeating mindsets and habits. Although it may be difficult to understand, you must remember that you are being molded into something better!  In order to become the butterfly, it is necessary for the caterpillar to experience this process. It has no other choice.  It has to go through the changes, isolation, and discomfort to become this new creature.   Therefore, I encourage you all to EMBRACE THE TRANSFORMATION!  Let’s live up to our potential.  Let us remember that hard times are not forever.  Let’s also keep in mind that difficulty has the potential to push us into greatness.  Last, but not least, let us remember that there is PURPOSE IN THE PROCESS. 


  1. This was a very encouraging post and it really spoke to me! Here I am preparing for a wonderful change of scenery. Something I prayed for and worked hard for. But with so many things on my to-do list, I have mixed emotions. I ask myself can I get all this done, am I ready for everything thus move will entail, and other thoughts that make me question the process instead of taking time to embrace it and learn from it. This makes me think of it in a different light. I should embrace it and not be scared of it. It really helped change my mindset. Thanks!

    1. I'm glad this post encouraged you! I truly do believe you're about to birth greatness in your life:-)
