Sunday, May 18, 2014

Message for my Sisters

Let’s face it; it’s hard being a woman! We’re expected to be caregivers, housekeepers, gainfully employed, intelligent, and physically beautiful all at the same time.  Not to mention, the side-eye and negative comments we get from others if we are not married with children by a certain age.  That’s a lot of pressure!!  

Unfortunately, I think this may add to the negative attitudes that women may project onto other women.  I’ve experienced firsthand how women can be in silent competition with one another (trying to out-dress and outshine just to compete for male attention). Being a participant in the Female Hunger Games can be quite exhausting and dissatisfying.  However, we women do have the power to exit this competition.  

It’s time for us to be free from comparison.  Stop looking at what others have and consequently discounting our gifts and positive attributes.  Refer to the word of God and remember how He describes you.  The bible says that you are God’s masterpiece, created in His image, His child.  You are blessed! You are more than a conqueror! You are victorious! You are the apple of His eye.  Once we internalize the way God views us, then we won’t feel the need to covet another person’s qualities.  Remember that you were fearfully and wonderfully created by the One and Only true God.  You are gifted, you are unique.  So embrace yourself and walk with your head up high…Being confident in God!  And remember to pass this information on to another woman who may be suffering from comparison. #BreakOut

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