“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a
We all have seen caterpillars right?? You know those small,
little, hairy insects that are often seen during the spring. Well, I remember in the fourth grade, my
teacher had the class collect a caterpillar and place it in a clear cage so
that the students could observe the caterpillar’s transition to a
butterfly. Each day my classmates and I
watched the caterpillar as it progressed through the stages of becoming a
During the first stage, the
caterpillar’s main objective was to eat.
The caterpillar would eat as much vegetation as it could to reach it
maximum growth and weight.
After the caterpillar reached its
maximum growth, it became a chrysalis. It’s during this time that the caterpillar was
confined in its cocoon. Although, it didn’t
look like much was going on from the outside, on the inside there was a major
transformation taking place!!
Once the transformation was
complete, a beautifully altered creature emerged…THE BUTTERFLY!!!
Sooooooo….you may be wondering why I explained the caterpillar’s
transformation?!? Well, I believe this illustration can be applicable to many
human experiences. There comes a point
in everyone’s life in which we experience a significant SHIFT. Sometimes, these shifts can be positive (ex.
new job opportunity, moving to a new city, new romance, etc). However, there are times when these shifts,
or changes, can cause pain and discomfort.