Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Words Unlocked My Freedom

Earlier this year, I had quite a dark dream.  The entire dream was in black and white.  A sense of chaos…fear…and loss were highly prevalent.  The dream was centered in some sort of post-apocalyptic era.  There were numerous deaths and missing persons.  Buildings were torn down.  Streets and businesses were cluttered with litter and trash.  It looked as though an explosion or tornado had swept through the city.  To sum it all up, the entire scene was very dreary, sad, and chilling. 

In the dream, I was standing on a sidewalk and noticed a sign that read: “12/1/1996: AWFUL LIVING HAS BEGUN.”  I was puzzled after reading the sign, so I began talking to God.  I said, “But Lord, you did not call me to live an awful life.  You called me to live a good and victorious life (1 Corinthians 15:57).” As soon as I spoke those words, I was instantly pulled (yes, literally PULLED!) out of that scene.  Then, I woke up.

I believe God used this dream to illustrate and remind me that death and life is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  As soon as I spoke God’s promises, my environment/situation changed.  My words unlocked my freedom!  The Word of God declares that The Lord has good plans for us - to prosper us, and not for harm.  He desires to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Therefore, in my dream, when my situation did not line up with God’s promises, I knew something was off.  Although my circumstances and atmosphere appeared horrid and hopeless, I had faith that God’s word would prevail over my life. 

This leads to my second point.  Faith without works is dead (James 2:17)!  We can believe God and remain steadfast in hope.  However, we need to accompany that faith with action.  In the dream, not only did I have faith that God desired better for me, but I acted on that faith by boldly speaking God’s promises over my life.  Even though my situation seemed hopeless, I did not behave like a hopeless person.  I did not sit and have a pity party; nor wait for my own demise.  No! I prayed about the matter and took my concerns directly to God! I spoke or reminded God of His promise to me. The words I spoke, my actions, my attitude were driven by a desire to live an abundant life (John 10:10) because that is what God promised me.

So, are you currently in what appears to be a desolate situation?  Do you feel depressed, worried and/or confused about what is going on in your life? Are you functioning in life…going through the motions day by day…but not truly enjoying life the way God intended?  If so, I wonder what would happen if you spoke God’s provision…His peace…His love…His healing…His joy over your life? I bet it would set you free.  I bet you would feel a release from the bondage or place of desolation.  Go ahead and try it.  Defeat the enemy by speaking faith-filled words! DECLARE God’s Promises!  I dare you…