Sunday, November 2, 2014

No Turning Back

Courtesy of lamposted at

It doesn’t bother me anymore…I’m fine!

I know there are others out there who have said this when they were hurt or upset about a situation.  At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.  That situation…I’m over it!  But, the truth is I was struggling with the matter.  Even though it was an issue that happened a looooonnnnggg time ago--- when memories of it resurfaced it caused me to have negative emotions—bitterness, anger, and confusion.  I didn’t even realize how much I was “harboring” or “holding” on to the pain and how it was affecting my life.  Yet, every area in my life was being touched, in some way, by these “secret” feelings.  Close relationships suffered; job performance was lax; and my overall demeanor was moody.  The problem was I didn’t fully recognize that I had not been healed from the matter.

 I hid the pain until one day, while I was praying, God revealed to me that in order to be fully healed, I needed to focus on HIM and step outside of my flesh – out of my “feelings”.  So, I went on a fast and decided that I wasn’t going to end the fast until I knew that I was completely released from the past situation.  While I was fasting, I immersed myself into God’s presence through prayer, praise, and worship.  Towards the end of the fast I had a vision that a large door without a doorknob slam shut behind me!  BAM!  It was at that moment that I knew that God had delivered me from the bondage of my past.  I was FREE!!! That door symbolized “ACCESS DENIED”.   No re-entry! No tuning back! The past can no longer have hold of me.  No longer does it have power over me! God shut the entry way!  Instantaneously, I felt free.  I felt lighter…like a burden had been lifted.

I feel compelled to share this story with you because I know firsthand how unfortunate events can affect our present functioning.  However, I come to tell you that you no longer have to succumb to the negative memories of your past mistakes, hurts, and/or failures.  God is our deliverer! Focus on Him.  Trust in Him.  Spend time with Him.  Talk to Him.  Our God is listening to our prayers and He will set you free.   If you, like me, notice that your past is hindering your progress, it’s time to shift your focus.  Get out of the rearview mirror and look towards our Father.  Watch Him set you free!